Thursday, May 6, 2010

Vegan Phase II – Reality Check

So, I went vegan Feb 7th. It's been a process getting all of the dairy out of my diet (I've been pescatarian for 18 years) and using up some stuff I had around the house. I think I'm totally vegan now, minus a minor slip up - like one tiny piece of milk chocolate a week. Problem is, I'm a vegan eating anything that's vegan, not necessarily healthy stuff. I went though this being a vegetarian too, you know, eating grilled cheese and pasta for the majority of my meals.

I have finally come to the point where I'm ready for the next level. Not ready for full on superhero, but ready for healthy recipes, more vegetables and whole grains. Honestly, vegan lovebird's blog helped a lot. Her dishes look so incredibly delicious and it helps to see a day's worth of meals. Wow, vegans really don't eat a lot, do they? It's nice though, to shift from eating purely for pleasure, to eating for health. We don't need all of that extra crap. I'm happy there are great processed vegan options out there, but they don't need to comprise much of my diet.

This weekend, I will plan out all my meals (that's what I have to do, right?) for the week and get to cooking! I don't cook, so it will still be simple, but at least I won't be continuously reaching for PB&J or the latest gardein item (which is unbelieveably yummy by the way). Made some wonderful cookies from "vegan cookies invade your cookie jar" but I know it's time to lay off of that for a while too. At least until I get this healthy eating under control and have a pattern of healthy eating. Then I can add a treat now and then. Not the other way around :)

Anyway, wish me luck. I think I'm finally getting on board!

1 comment:

  1. I am a vegetarian and have often wondered about going vegan, but have been hesitant for a number of reasons.

    I am glad to come across you blog, as it will allow me to read more about your transition to this new diet that will (Hopefully) become a way of life. Wishing you well.

    Warmest of wishes.
